At a recent studio tour, a visitor commented on the price of my dolls. In a what was obviously a snide voice, she said “nice price for the dolls” on her way out, giving me no chance to respond. That comment has stuck with me. There are so many things that can be said about the cost of quality art and crafts in today’s world.
What I would have told that visitor is that I get less than minimum wage for the time it takes to create a doll. Add to the labor the value of the vintage and antique materials used (beads, textiles, ornaments, etc.) and the true value of the doll should be greater than my price. Fortunately, most people appreciate the work that goes into creating one of my art dolls. Unfortunately, at my pricing, most people can’t afford to buy if they wanted to. Needless to say, the positive comments that my work generates from the majority of visitors is another form of compensation which I so appreciate.
