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Elisse Pogofsky-Harris

Ojai Studio Artists and the estate of Elisse Pogofsky-Harris invite viewers to Pogofsky-Harris’ studio during the April 11 Second Saturday mini tour jform 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Born in Chicago, Pogofsky-Harris received her degree from University of Micigan. She then spent 11 years studying and working in Italy honing her artistic vision.

 "Her metaphoric language creates a dream world where past and present merge. Art historical allusions, personal symbolism and carefully observed reality intertwine in compositions that speak to both individual and universal concerns about life," wrote Richard West, in a catalog of her work.   Her personal symbolism continued with her surreal boat paintings. The empty boats invites the viewer to enter into the picture and join the artist on her interior quest, a quest that blurs the boundaries between the concrete world and the inner world of longing, spirituality and mystery. - Portions were taken from the Focus on the Masters website

Photo Credit: Donna Granada

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