Insight 2020 at the Ojai Valey Museum
When planning this annual exhibition no one knew how this year would play out. 2020 has forced introspection upon us and, despite unease and uncertainty, inspired creative expression.
Ojai Studio Artists were challenged to respond to a year wracked with political division, a deadly pandemic, financial chaos, and racial unrest.
All of this was happening while isolation became a necessity, causing a paranoid sense of being held captive in our own homes. Children were unable to go to school, personal relationships were stressed and record numbers of jobs were lost as businesses shuttered. A general lack of confidence in the future has become our new normal.
INSIGHT 20/20 runs from September 1, 2020 through January 9, 2021.
The museum is monitoring conditions and are hoping to open the exhibit to the public. Meanwhile, you can view the Virtual Exhibit at the Ojai Valley Museum HERE