It's the dog that prompted me to start this painting. I happened to be looking at Norman Rockwell's work produced in 1939 as inspiration for a new painting for an upcoming show celebrating the Ojai Art Center's 85th anniversary in November. I liked that dog so much I just had to paint it. Next, I am thumbing through a magazine, there on page 38 is a guy with a guitar. I’m paused, something about his body language and demeanor steal my attention. Never mind that I have always loved guitars. I begin to imagine both he and the dog need a companion so I add him to the painting. The couple in the foreground are from a scene in Italy. Musicians need an audience. I plucked them out of that space and with my brushes transported them into new space secretly hoping they would inspire the man to play his music. I wondered what songs does he write? And finally the title is revealed.
I have a series of new paintings created in this way. Come see them on the October Tour!10/12 thru 10/14.
Hey, great 'story' there, Lucinda!