What a perfect time to post a photo of my garden. In March I celebrated 50 years of living and having an Art Studio here in downtown Ojai at 204 West Aliso Street. Last year my home turned 100 years old.
In 1974 my studio was the leaning garage where I could see through the wall boards. In the 1980's, legendary artist Roy Patton gifted me one of his handmade signs naming the property, Bamboo Cottage Studio.
In the 2000's I renovated the garage into my Art Studio that presently exists.
I am most grateful because this downtown property has allowed me the ability to flourish as an interdisciplinary artist, gardener and raise my daughter here.
I look forward to seeing you on May 11, 2024 from 10-5 PM during the Second Saturday. However, feel free to give me a call to set up a time to visit my studio if you are not available to come by in May.
