The Salon at Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts

The Salon at Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Ongoing exhibition
10:00 AM
05:00 PM
Enjoy a myriad of works from Ojai Studio Artists in an exhibition titled "Salon".
The show references the salons of Walter and Louise Arensberg which took place from 1915 to 1920 in their apartment on West 67th Street off Central Park. The nearly nightly gatherings of artists and writers gathered to eat, drink, play games and discuss the most pressing topics of the day. These salons were important to Beatrice Wood’s life and art and she documented them in works including her 1917 drawing Soirée. About 50 artists of the Ojai Studio Aritsts brought pieces for exhibition in the 2024 'Salon" at the Center, and communed in a Salon to discuss art, its inspirations and directions for the future.
See the show before it closes April 5, 2024. Open Fridays - Saturdays - Sundays 10am - 5pm.