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Sherry Loehr: You just never know...

You just never know....Especially when you try something new. My new idea was to use an iPhone and computer to create printed images. I was curious. What could I make? Like everybody else these days, my phone is with me all the time. Click, click, click. I collect images of people, objects, textures, colors, shapes. Everything. On my computer I use a mouse, instead of a paintbrush to draw. Ideas buzz like crazy bees. Things get really interesting. Eventually, an image emerges that I choose to settle on and print. "PAPERWORKS" is a new collection of limited edition pigment prints on archival fine art paper. Come and see these and my newest paintings during the Ojai Studio Artists' Tour. Saturday, Oct.8 & Sunday, Oct.9 from 10-5 pm. Tickets are available and

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